Tango slicer automatic support generation Part 1: How to use scripts

Created on:2023-03-27 18:00


In this video, we'll show you what is support script, how to automatically generate support using support scripts, and how to create, import, export scripts in Tango slicer.



1. What is support script?


First, let’s talk about what is tango [support script].

Tango [support script] is a configuration file with a series of support parameters.



You'll have full control over the connection, bar, base parameters and automatically generate the support you want.

It'll save you time and help you avoid human errors.




2. How to generate support with support scripts?


Click on support module, and the support script window will pop up.

Click on the script dropdown menu, you'll see all the built-in scripts available for you to choose from.



Tango offers two support types, bar support and smart support.

For each type, there'll be several scripts for the printing of different sized models.



[Small size] is suitable for small models, and [large size] is suitable for large models.

[smart heavy] is for large and heavy models.

The raft is for dental models that'll be printed directly from the platform.

You'll also find smart support scripts specially designed for printing of figurines and war chess.


After selecting the script, let's have a look at the [z lift height].

For parts that can't be printed directly from the platform, it's necessary to print some supports first before printing the parts.

This parameter is to control how much the model will be lifted from the platform, it's 5mm by default.



Click on [generate support for selected part], and Tango slicer will start to generate support for you.

Our advanced support algorithm will automatically detect all the islands and generate support accordingly.

Based on the powerful vdk geometry kernel, supports are generated very quickly.




3. How to create, import, export scripts, etc.?


If you are not satisfied with the built-in scripts, you can create a new one.

Click add, type in the script name, select the support style, and modify the parameters according to your needs.



Mouse hover on the exclamation mark next to the parameters to check their definitions.

We'll also cover the detailed support parameter settings in the next video.

From the setting, you can also import scripts shared by others, export and share scripts with others, duplicate scripts, and reset scripts.



You can also delete scripts that you don't need.



 Know more about Tango slicer: www.voxeldance.com/Tango